To make fading images in your document you need to put the the following in the HEAD section of your document :-

<!-- *** BEGIN CUT - Start Code *** -->
<!-- (* Another free JavaScript © from *) -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_ImageFader.js"></SCRIPT>
<!-- *** END CUT - End Code *** -->

Put the following on the BODY of your document, where you want the link :-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"

If you want to change the speed of the fadeUp fadeDown put the following in the BODY of your document, where you want the link :-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"
    onMouseOver="JSFX.fadeUp(this, 20)"
     onMouseOut="JSFX.fadeDown(this, 5)"

20 is the fade up step
5 is the fade down step
The higher the number, the faster the fade. Multiples of 100 work best.
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50.
Advanced Customization...

Also See...
Using External ".js" Files
Combining Multiple Scripts.